Will The Church Come Out Of The Closet cover
September 18, 2021

EP 208: Will The Church Come Out Of The Closet?

The Church has largely remained silent over the past decade whenever the acronym LGTBQ is mentioned. Some denominations have adjusted their theology to accept and welcome homosexual and transgender communities into their leadership ranks. Others declare their love for the LGTBQ community to avoid a media backlash. In this second part of a two-part interview, Matthew Karchner shares his journey as a committed member of the gay community for many years, telling why he left. Listen as he shares insights on how to reach those practicing the LGTBQ lifestyle and share the truth of the gospel of Christ. Don’t miss it!

Although not an official  endorsement, these two are ex-gay ministry resources:


I am also willing to help in terms of talking through issues, praying, and giving advice. My parents are great for sharing lessons learned with parents of those who struggle. – Matthew

Here is our testimony video series:

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